Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Questions and Answers by 107

What is International Dateline? – Xinyi/Isaac/Megan

It is an imaginary line that runs from the north to the south pole at 180 degrees longitude. It differentiates one calendar day from the next.
What is the difference between International Dateline and Greenwich meridian? – Yuhui/Delia/Yi Cai
The International Dateline is on the opposite side of the Prime Meridian. The international dateline is 180 degrees longitude, but the Prime Meridian is 0 degrees longitude.

What are longitudes and latitudes? = Isaac/Sharlotte/Shu Hui/Melia/ Claudia/ Yun Ting/Firdaus
Longitudes are imaginary vertical lines and latitudes are imaginary horizontal lines on earth. They help us to identify locations of places on the world map.


Why Singapore only have one season when it is on the equator? –Sharlotte/Sophiann
Areas on the equator receive 12 hours of daylight and night as compared with other parts of the world. Because of this, when the earth revolves around the sun, the equator gets the highest amount of light and temperature, therefore there is not much changes to the climate and the seasons that we have.

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