Sunday, January 13, 2013

Differences between !Kung Bushmen and Singaporeans

Answers for worksheet

Qn 2. What is the difference in the sources of food supply for the !Kung Bushmen and Singaporeans?
Yu Hui : The !Kung Bushmen hunt animals for food, while Singaporeans buy food from food centres, restaurants etc.

Qn 3. Describe the different clothings between a !Kung Bushmen and a Singaporean.
Nicole: !Kung Bushmen have their clothes made of leather. They obtain it by hunting wild animals and taking their skin. They dont have much clothes on them though. However, Singaporeans buy clothes from shops and they have sufficient clothes on them, the clothes are usually made of cotton and wool.

Qn 4. Compare the types of shelter between a !Kung Bushmen and a Singaporean.
Yi Cai: !Kung Bushmen uses branches, leaves and tufts of dry grass obtained from its surroundings to build temporary shelters, whereas Singaporean uses concrete to build permanent houses.

Qn 5: What are the different types of technology (tools) used by a !Kung Bushmen as compared with a Singaporean?
Sharlotte: In Singapore, we have access to information all over the world via the internet, while in Africa, they do not have internet.
Nicole: !Kung Bushmen makes their own tools with the natural resources they can find from their surroundings unlike Singaporeans who use sophisticated guns to hunt.

Qn 6: Describe the different modes of transport between a !Kung Bushmen and a Singaporean.
Ming Xiu: The main source of transport for !Kung Bushmen is by walking, while Singaporeans' main source of transport is by using vehicles.

1a) Describe the differences between the !Kung Bushmen and Singaporeans based on its 
1ai: Access to water [2m]
Ming Xiu: !Kung Bushmen collects water from the rain and from underground sources, whereas Singaporeans have access to water supply from our taps which channels water from our reservoirs.

1aii: Types of vegetation in the environment [2m]
Danish: In Africa, the ground is mostly covered with sand, scattered bushes and long grasses. Unlike Singapore, where we plant trees and shrubs in open spaces, parks, along the roads and maintain our nature reserves where forests are protected.

1aiii: Adapting to the environment [2m]
Dong Xuan: In Africa, the weather is hot, therefore the !Kung Bushmen wears little clothing to cool themselves to adapt to the environment. Whereas Singaporeans modify the environment by turning on the air condition when they want to cool themselves.

1b: Which lifestyle do you prefer? [2m]
Jesmine Hui: I prefer the lifestyle of Singaporeans. We have air conditioning in their houses to cool themselves in the hot weather. We also have access to information from all over the world via the Internet.

1c: Describe two ways in which Man has been damaging the fragile Earth. [2m]
Elijah: We damage the earth by deforestation which is the chopping of vast amount of trees which leads to global warming. We also pollute water by ships that leak oil which have chemicals that causes the water to be polluted.

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