Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Questions by 107

Sophiann: Why is there winter? How did the temperature change to cause the four season?
A: This is caused by the tilt of the earth's axis. Northern and Southern hemisphere's each tilt toward and away from the sun during their respective summers and winters much more then areas around the equator where the angle remains much closer to perpendicular and more constant. 

As a result, areas ON THE EQUATOR receive 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night every day. Areas at lower latitudes & NEAR THE EQUATOR receive much closer to 12 & 12 then areas north and south of the equator.

Elijah/Zi Qi: Why does Singapore receives only summer but no other seasons?
Megan: Why is there no winter in Singapore? 
A: Because Singapore is located near the equator. Refer to explanation above.

Yu Hui: Is it only Singapore that does not have 4 seasons?
A: No: Countries that are located near the equator do not have 4 seasons.

Elina: Does North Pole have only one season?
A:Yes. They have the cold season when the sun is shining and the really really cold season when the sun don't shine.

Gavan/Delia/Jasmine: Why does the earth takes 365.25 days to revolves around the sun?
A: It takes 365 days to orbit the sun, in a normal day, but on leap year 366 days. due to the fact that we say a day is 24 hours even though it is really 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds. so we make and extra day in February every 4 years to make up for lost time.

Nicole: If the earth takes 24 hours to rotate in one complete round, how come sometimes the sky is darker on different days at the same time?
A: This depends on the time of the sun rise. In the late winter and spring season, sunrise occurs earlier each day, reaching its earliest time near summer. In summer, the sunrise time gets later each day, reaching its latest sometime around the winter season

Lester/Benedict: Why does the earth rotate?
A: This is due to the angular momentum of an object. The direction of angular momentum is the same as that of the angular velocity. Some scientists believe that large impacts in the early history of the Solar System may have affected the rotation of some planets. One may have caused Venus to rotate in retrograde and another could account for the 23 degree axial tilt of the Earth. The main reason that the Earth has never stopped rotating since the early periods of the solar nebula is that there is nothing in the vacuum of space to stop it. The only thing that may stop the Earth’s rotation is the gravitational forces of the Sun after it begins to expand into its red giant phase. 

Yun Ting/Yi Cai: Why did Pluto shrink?
A: It did not! It was discovered by scientist that its size is not significant enough as compared with the other planets. If we were to consider Pluto as a planet, there would be too many planets around. Therefore we classify pluto as a 'Dwarf planet' instead.

Danish: What is the diameter of the earth?
A: The diameter of the earth at the equator is 7,926.41 miles (12,756.32 kilometers).

Rachael: What is inside the earth?
A: It is made up of a core, comprising of molten rocks that is melted at a very high temperature. This will be covered in another topic in next term.

Anonymous: Why do the South Pole and North Pole have 6 months of night and day?
A: This is because, during summer, the sun is basically permanently above the horizon for half of the year, due to the tilt of the earth on its axis. If Earth was positioned upright with the Poles in a vertical position, then the North and South poles would have daytime and night-time separated by light and darkness, just like the rest of the planet. However, because it is tilted and it rotates around the sun every six months one pole or the other has to always be in the shadow. 

Calvin: Which country is night time when we wake up to go to school?
A: Read this map and figure it out!

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